Christine Nall » Austin TX Art Directory

Christine Nall

Contact: Christine Nall
Texas Phone: 347-512-2793

Biographical Info


Christine received her BFA in sculpture at the University of Texas. She has always enjoyed a balance of both sculpture and painting! In 2003 she moved to NYC for 6 years, but is back in AUSTIN, TEXAS now! She is working toward KEEPING AUSTIN WEIRD, one child at a time! Christine is also well known as a face painter at children’s parties both in Texas and in NYC for 15 years! She originally got into murals, as Mom’s would ask her if she paints children’s bedrooms (Of course)!


Christine’s most notable work is the Eloise shop in NYC’s Plaza Hotel (opened Dec 2009), but she has also painted many children’s bedrooms in NY, NJ and TX. She loves a challenge and working with new mediums! Not only did she paint on the wall for the ELOISE shop, but she also painted 24 plates with illustrations of Eloise for the Tea Room!


Categories: Artist